The 16th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2022) will feature contributed and invited papers, as well as plenary lectures delivered by high-profile scientists and experts in advanced control, diagnosis, and health monitoring of systems.
The 16th edition of the workshop will be held Wednesday to Friday, November 16-18, 2022 at Nancy, France.
All accepted and presented papers will appear online in a volume titled Recent Developments in Model-based and Data-driven Methods for Advanced Control and Diagnosis by Springer in the Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Editors: Prof. D. Theilliol, Prof. J. Korbicz and Prof. J. Kacprzyk).

Based on extended version, selected papers will be recommended for journal special issue/section: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.

The contributions, either with a more theoretical nature or with a focus on applications, will span a variety of up-to-date topics in the field of systems and control. The main workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
advanced fault-tolerant control, control reconfiguration, health monitoring techniques, robust control, adaptive control, model-based diagnosis of linear, nonlinear and hybrid systems, data-driven diagnosis methods, process supervision, diagnosis and control of discrete-event systems, maintenance and repair strategies, statistical methods for fault diagnosis, reliability and safety, signal and image processing, condition monitoring, maintenance engineering, prognosis and health management, artificial intelligence methods for control and diagnosis.
There will be a special focus on advanced fault tolerant control strategies, health-aware control design strategies, advanced control approaches, deep learning based methods for control and diagnosis, reinforcement learning based approaches for advanced control, diagnosis & prognosis techniques applied to industrial problems, Industry 4.0 as well as instrumentation and sensors.
The main fields of applications are distributed systems, industrial processes, intelligent sensors and actuators, transportation systems, renewable energy systems, unmanned autonomous/aerial vehicles etc.
Further, the scope of the workshop has been broadened with respect to the previous editions to include challenging issues arising in the areas of cyber-physical production systems, industrial internet of things, systems and control for sustainability and structural methods for complex systems.
Young Author Award
A Young Author Award will be awarded to an author for the best paper and presentation at the conference. send an email to Contact